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Door to Door Campaign Brings in New Members


News from The Town of Nassau

December 2011
The Town plans to post documents related to TS&G's application on the Town's web site and has created a section "TS&G Application" for these documents. Some related documents have all ready been added. To visit the Town's web site for the Documents click the link below

TS&G Aplication

November 3, 2011
On November 3rd The Appellate Division reached a decision on appeals from both Troy Sand & Gravel and the Town of Nassau. The Court has denied both TS&G's appeal as well as the Town's appeal of previous decisions.

In Summary:
The Town's 2008 zoning law is invalidated and the Town must begin to process Troy Sand & Gravel's application under the Town's 1986 zoning law.
Troy Sand & Gravel must still obtain a Special Use Permit and Site Plan approval before they can legally begin mining.

The Town's review will begin Wednesday, November 16, at 6:30pm at St Mary's Parish Hall, with a presentation and explanation of the application materials.

In addition there will be 2 VERY IMPORTANT public hearings where comments from the public and a large turn out in opposition to the proposed mine would give the Planning Board and the Town Board the justification to refuse to grant Site Plan approval or the Special Use Permit.
First the Planning Board will hold a public hearing on the Site Plan Approval.
Then the Town Board will hold a public hearing on the Special Use Permit
These public hearings have not yet been scheduled.
Watch the Calendar on the Town's web site for dates and times. To visit the Town's web site for the Calendar click the link below

Town of Nassau Calendar

News from The Town of Nassau

The Town of Nassau is in the process of enacting a new Comprehensive plan to replace the one declared Null and Void by the NYS Supreme Court in February 2010 on procedural grounds. It is time for public comment on the new, updated Plan and our comments are an important part of the process. It is long, but you don't have to read it all if you don't have time. You can look in the table of contents, pick a section or sections, and respond to that. You can respond in writing, by mail or email, or you can speak at the Public Hearing on Thursday January 13, 6:30 pm. Please attend this public hearing, if at all possible, and tell the Town Board what you think.

A copy of the Draft Comphrensive Plan is posted on the Town's website To visit the Town's web site for theDraft Comphrensive Plan click the link below

Draft Comphrensive Plan

News from The Town of Nassau

State Supreme Court Justice Michael C. Lynch of Albany, issued a decision and order on the Town of Nassau's motion to renew and/or reargue a case before the Court on the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Law.

Please note that this case remains on appeal."

The Town recently posted the Judge's decision on the Town's website To visit the Town's web site for the decision click the link below

September 7 Decision

News from The Town of Nassau

FEBRUARY 22, 2010
State Supreme Court Justice Michael C. Lynch of Albany, overturned the Town's 2008 zoning law and comprehensive plan. There were procedural errors, or lack of documentation that the correct procedures were followed in adopting the 2008 law. The Judge directed the Town to begin processing the Troy Sand & Gravel application under the 1986 zoning law.
Click here for the full text of Judge's decision.

News from The Town of Nassau

JUNE 12, 2008
State Supreme Court Justice Michael C. Lynch of Albany,ruled in DEC's favor rejecting the Town's Article 78 proceedings against DEC. The Town hasn't decided if it will appeal the decision. There are still several other cases pending in the courts between the Town and Troy Sand & Gravel concerning the Town of Nassau's 1968 zoning law and the 2008 revision to it which both prohibit this type of mining.

MARCH 20, 2008
The Nassau Town Board unanimously passed the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Law. The zoning changes approved by the Town Board include a ban on commercial mining in all districts, the addition of an Aquifer Protection Overlay District to protect local water resources, as well as protections for local agriculture, open space, and wind farms.
Troy Sand & Gravel had asked for an injunction to stop the completion of the Comprehensive plan but that request was denied by State Supreme Count Judge Michael Lynch. Troy Sand & Gavel has several court case pending against the Town and Town officials.

News from NYS DEC

In September 2007 the Town filed an Article 78 proceeding against DEC for issuing a permit to Troy Sand & Gravel citing numerious procedural issues and non-compliance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act. The Article 78 is asking the courts to resind the permit and require DEC to hold adjudicatory hearings on a number of issues raised by residents. Some of the main issues raised were:
a.. TS&G submitted application for which the mining permit was issued and upon which the SEQRA process was conducted on Dec.19, 2005. Moratorium was September 25, 2005 to July 24, 2006......
b.. Town may decide hours, etc.......DEC ignored and gave no written comment why not incorporated.
c.. Failure to monitor at property this only when surrounding area conforms to proposed project such as an industrial and commercial zone. An unconstitutional taking of private property.
d.. TS&G identifies potential of 738,000 tons per year for 2000 FEIS. DEC ignored.
e.. Only 3 monitoring wells on site and only one drilled to depth of mine. Wells cease once mine reaches wells. No monitoring in place with burden on residents.
f.. No visual impact studies from private homes where impacts most prominent.....SEQRA requires cumulative of all impacts be analyzed.
g.. Quarry could be 3,900 hours based on hours. TS&G used 2,000 hours.
The public comment period for the Callanan Industries mine DEIS ends October, 7 2005.
It's very important that you write to Nancy Adams at the address below, to let her know which issues you feel should be included in the Environmental Impact Statement that DEC requires.

Nancy Adams
Deputy Regional Permit Administrator
NYS DEC, Region 4
1150 North Westcott Road
Schenectady, NY 12306
(518) 357-2452

Re: Application of Callanan Industries, Inc.
DEC #4-3830-00101/00001
Proposed Nassau and East Nassau Quarry

DEC has been designated lead agency for the Callanan Industries mine in a decision dated 3/17/05.

A Positive Declaration has been made. This means that an Environmental Impact Statement will be required by DEC regarding Callanan Industries application.

The Scoping Process began in September. This is to determine what the scope of the draft Environmental Impact Statement should be (what issues, air quality, water, traffic, safety, etc. the draft EIS should address).
The public has until October 7, 2005 to write to Nancy Adams, Deputy Regional Permit Administrator, letting her know what issues, they think should be included in the draft EIS.

Once the draft Environmental Impact Statement has been completed, it will be made public and there will be another thirty day public comment period when the public can write to Nancy Adams, Deputy Regional Permit Administrator, letting her know what additional issues, if any, they think should be included in the draft EIS.

 (Click here for a PDF of the Draft Scoping document submitted by Callanan Industries.)

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 (Click here for a PDF about where we are in the SEQR process.)

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Click here for a PDF of letter-writing tips

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DEC has been designated lead agency for the TS&G mine in a decision dated 4/14/04.

(Click here for a PDF copy of Nancy Adam's letter.)

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A Positive Declaration has been made and an Environmental Impact Statement was required by DEC regarding TS&G's application.

(Click here for a copy of the notice from DEC.)

The public can still write to Nancy Adams, Deputy Regional Permit Administrator, letting her know what additional concerns they have related to TS&G proposed mine

Nancy Adams address is:

Nancy Adams
Deputy Regional Permit Administrator
NYS DEC, Region 4
1150 North Westcott Road
Schenectady, NY 12306
(518) 357-2452

Click here for a PDF of letter-writing tips

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Door to door campaign brings in new members

RAM members have been busy over the past two weekends, going door to door to visit their neighbors, and spreading the word about the proposed TS&G mine.

About 60 families are new members as a result of this campaign. We welcome them to the growing number of local residents opposed to large-scale mining in a quiet area that is zoned rural residential.

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